My Lockdown Tips

I have had the privilege of working from home. If you are new to working from home, let’s chat.

  1. Go through the same routine as if you were going into the office. If you shower, do that. If you drink coffee, do that. Get dressed. Even if you don’t have to webcam for work, it’ll help with productivity.
  2. Establish your work area. It can be rough to bring work home because the separation between your personal life and work becomes a thin line that can go either way. Either you see chores you want to do while working or you allow work to leak over past work hours because you have just a little bit more.
  3. Keep your normal hours. This may be tough if you have others living with you, but try to be consistent. Consistency is key.
  4. Take breaks. Even just a small little sit down on the porch/balcony. You need to breathe. You need to not stay seated all day.
  5. Listen to music. It can feel lonely if you have no sound.
  6. Use your messaging system. Keep in contact with coworkers. Don’t let yourself become too lonely. If your work doesn’t use a chat, use your social media (don’t overdo it).
  7. Establish a “closing” routine. At the end of your work day, create a routine like closing your laptop and having a snack or maybe changing clothes into something more comfortable (similar to when you come home from the office).
  8. Watch your posture. At the office, you have an office chair and a desk. At home, you may be tempted to work a few hours from the couch. Don’t let yourself hunch over too much.


For general lockdown,

  1. Use Twitch or YouTube to chat with people. You can stream or watch other streamers. It’ll let you into the life of others quarantined at home and make you feel closer to others.
  2. Utilize FaceTime/Skype/Discord/snapchat to video chat with your friends and family. Even just having it on while you both are doing something can be helpful in taking away the lonely feeling.
  3. Catch up on that series you said you’d watch.
  4. Pick up that video game you thought you’d give a try.
  5. Read a book. Sign up for Audible and listen to books.
  6. Get some rest. We are always in a fast paced life and forget to rest. Allow yourself to be calm. Allow yourself to breathe. Allow yourself to rest.
  7. Make sure to eat your meals. Don’t forget meals. Don’t snack too much all day. Eat like you normally do or use this time to eat better. Learn to cook if you don’t do it often.
  8. Do small workouts at home. You can’t go to the gym but look up body weight exercises. I use the Ring Fit Adventure game while home. It’s fun.
  9. Keep your place clean. A clean space is a more welcoming space. Don’t get lazy while you’re home.
  10. Become Tik Tok famous. lol jk. But it might boost your creativity.
  11. Take up a new hobby like drawing, painting, bead art.
  12. Do Twitch Sings! It’s like karaoke at home with people online.
  13. Download some puzzle apps. It’s good to keep your mind active. And the satisfaction of solving puzzles will help with the positive attitude.
  14. Use the dating app you said you were done with or would never use. I’m not saying you have to go on dates, but learn about someone new. Engage in conversation. Yeah that thing they did in the old days.

That’s what I have for now. If you have any other suggestions, leave them in the comments. If you have any questions, also leave them in the comments or directly message me. We, as a community, will get through this.

2 thoughts to “My Lockdown Tips”

  1. This is outstanding guidance, well thought through and on point. I like how you emphasize self-care and a regular routine as a way to create “normacy”. Thanks for sharing, very useful!

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